The Fish Culture Research and Development Station Nucet was come into being in 1941 year at the initiative of Grigore Antipa. In more then 60 years of existence, Nucet Center had an essential contribution to development of fish culture from Romania. About all had been concrete and important made in Romanian fish culture (aclimatization of new species, original technologies for artificial reproduction (with licenses), policulture rearing technologies, making of industrial races and metises of carp genetic manipulations),  had been made inside of Nucet Center.

     One of the most important achievements of post 1990 phase is the foundation and development of fresh-water fish species and races collection, which actually adds in close to 30 genetic entities, represented by close to 90 batches of different ages, being distantly the most important from country and even from Europe.

     As from 1992, the principal attention, of ample freshness and economically importance for Romanian economy, became the acclimatization of North-American sturgeon, Polyodon spathula, originary from hydrographic basin of Mississippi River. It’s a fresh water sturgeon with a big size (as 2 m length and 70 kg weight), fast growing, and the most important angle for technological and economic part, is not a forage consumer.

     In 2002 have been achieved the first artificial reproduction experiments with affirmative results, which represent a big achievement for fish culture research from Romania, the biological material achieved to be populate these year, prevail almost 20 fish farms from Alba, Arad, Calarasi, Arges, Iasi, Vaslui, Constanta, Dolj and Tulcea counties. By results of the research made on 10 years and by number of exemplars from this species that is detain, S.C.D.P. Nucet come into third place in the world after U.S.A. and China and is on first place from Europe.

The present scientific research programs refer to:


·         Application of genetic manipulations (gynogenesis, androgenesis, poliploidy, reversal of sexes);

·         Conservation of fresh-water fish “Genetical collection”;

·         Optimization of artificial reproduction technologies for cultured fish;

·         Elaborate of ecological technologies for rearing of fish;

·         Elaborate of artificial reproduction and rearing technologies for valuable species of fish, as wels, tench, pike, pikepearch;

·         Insertion of North-American sturgeon Polyodon spathula in rearing farms of Romania.


About specifically outcomes for scientifically work, as especially articles, publications, scientific communications, the Station also make an important small-scale production of selected biological material – fresh water fry, fingerlings and breeders.

The Center produces and sells yearly about 200 millions of fry and about 40 tones of fingerlings for next species:


·       Carp (Cyprinus carpio) – 3 races (Frasinet, Ineu, Ropsa) and 6 industrial metises;

·         Koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) – diferent colours;

·         Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula);

·         Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix);

·         Big head carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis);

·         Grass carp (Ctenopharingodon idella);

·         Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus);

·         Tench (Tinca tinca);

·         Crucian carp (Carasius auratus gibelio);

·         Pike (Esox lucius);

·         Pike perch (Stizostedion lucioperca);

·         Wels (Silurus glanis).


This entire species and moreover, crayfish, frogs, shells and different species of zooplankton are available on demand as experimental material for biological and toxicological laboratories.

S.C.D.P. Nucet owns the greatest batches of Polyodon spathula from Europe. Polyodon spathula is a fresh water sturgeon, native from North-America which presents a big aquaculture potential. It is stipulate to introduce this species in rearing culture on next 2 – 3 years.

The Station provides technical assistance for aquaculture, controlled and artificial reproduction of fish, efficient aquaculture exploitation of dams, and ecological rehabilitation of aquatic ecosystems. Station’s specialists can provide assistance and quickly interventions for aquaculture farms and also can make feasibility studies for setting up or rearrangement of aquaculture exploitations.

Endowment and Personnel


     The Station has 110 ha of ponds from which about 70 ha represent the main experimental base, situated around the premises. The other 40 ha represent 2 nursery farms for rearing of fingerlings, situated at 5 – 8 km distance from the premises. The Station possess 3 stations for artificial reproduction with an production capacity of 200 millions fry/year, tanks for conditioning of breeders and a circulated tank for artificial controlled reproduction of Chinese fish. Endowment also includes technological aids necessary for any modern aquaculture farm: vehicles, boats, fishing nets, mill. The complex works of research and small-scale production are logistically support by two workshops and a thermo station.


     The Station have 70 employees from which 15 are scientific researchers and work in four research collectives, fish genetics and improvement, aquatic ecology, reproduction physiology and ihtiopathology and aquaculture technologies. The research collectives use hydrochemistry and biochemistry, genetics and improvement, hydrobiology, physiology and ihtiopathology laboratories. The experimental work proceeds in all 5 experimental bases (ponds) and the 3 stations for artificial reproduction.

     The Station’s bookcase involve about 10000 textbooks and about 20000 deker periodics, being specialized on fish biology and aquaculture. More then 100 periodical publications are received every year on the basis of subscribe, in exchange or as donations.

Genetic entities own by Fish Culture Research and

Development Station Nucet


1.         Carp (Cyprinus carpio) – Frasinet race

2.         Carp (Cyprinus carpio) – Ineu race

3.         Carp (Cyprinus carpio) – Ropsa race 

4.         Carp (Cyprinus carpio) – Koi race

5-7.      Carp (Cyprinus carpio) – consanguine lines of Frasinet, Ineu and Ropsa races

8-11.    Carp (Cyprinus carpio) – industrial metises of Frasinet, Ineu and Ropsa races

12.       Intergenetic cross-breed carp (Cyprinus carpio – Frasinet rase) × crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio “new form”)

13.       Ornamental crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio)

14.       Silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio)

15-23.  Gynogenetic and hybridogenetic lineages of crucian carps femela (Carassius auratus gibelio)

24.        Tench (Tinca tinca)

25.        Grass carp (Ctenopharingodon idella)

26.        Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)

27-29.   Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)

30-31.   Big head carp (Hypophthalmichthys (Aristichtys) nobilis)

32.       Big mouse buffalo (Ichtiobus cyprinellus)

33.       Black buffalo (Ichtiobus niger)

34.       Wels (Silurus glanis)

35.       Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)

36.       Pike pearch (Stizostedion lucioperca)

37.       Pike (Esox lucius)

38.       Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula).



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